
Stop Annoying Creditor Calls!

Our “Stop the Bill Collector” from calling you package has never been so easy.

Click to Download Kit!

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How Does Our Partnership Program Work For You?

You establish a national branded BCC Website –
Review your Pipeline of clients who signed up for FREE #CCS site
Your clients are encouraged to send your contact info to friends and family
Customers use the system as a resource to improve credit scores and return to you for their intended large purchases #RealEstate

What Do You Receive As A BCC Partner?

24/7 advertising and open web portal
Professional branding through the #CCS system
Automatic letters generated to your clients from you monthly
No interpersonal contact with clients required on your part
Control your leads using our contact registry automation software #Pipeline
On-line tools to monitor client time within the system
Personal use of the system to monitor and enhance your own credit

How Do You Benefit From This Service?

You offer a service to customers unique from your competition using cutting edge technology
You stop losing customers due to poor credit and not having a real solution to offer them
You provide customers with a proven quality option to enhance their credit scores
You make more money monthly/annually by closing more sales!

Join Us!