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Help Your Clients Succeed

Would You Agree?

There are far too many Americans experiencing credit challenges. Many Individuals experience common problems such as low FICO scores and less than perfect credit histories.  The time is now for you to help by providing a proven dedication Credit Coaching System.

We have one of the most comprehensive credit coaching systems on the market! Our program creates a win-win opportunity for companies and individual professionals who provide services to customers based on their credit history and score.

Partnership Presentation #CCS

How Does Our Partnership Program Work For You?

  • You establish a national branded BCC Website –
  • Review your Pipeline of clients who signed up for FREE #CCS site
  • Your clients are encouraged to send your contact info to friends and family
  • Customers use the system as a resource to improve credit scores and return to you for their intended large purchases #RealEstate

What Do You Receive As A BCC Partner?

  • 24/7 advertising and open web portal
  • Professional branding through the #CCS system
  • Automatic letters generated to your clients from you monthly
  • No interpersonal contact with clients required on your part
  • Control your leads using our contact registry automation software #Pipeline
  • On-line tools to monitor client time within the system
  • Personal use of the system to monitor and enhance your own credit

How Do You Benefit From This Service?

  • You offer a service to customers unique from your competition using cutting edge technology
  • You stop losing customers due to poor credit and not having a real solution to offer them
  • You provide customers with a proven quality option to enhance their credit scores
  • You make more money monthly/annually by closing more sales!
